Monday, April 21, 2008

Individual Reflections for Literature Mid-Year Project 2008

Individual Reflections for Literature Mid-Year Project 2008
Sec 2 Express

Eco-friendly features about my group’s 3D-model

1. Structure uses wood, a bio-degradable material (Aaron)
2. Plastic/glass/metal can be melt and remade into different items (Chuan yin)
3. Some items used to make the playground are recycled materials (Wynner)

Remarks (e.g. materials to be used, relevant research with links, photograph links etc)
1. Plasticine is used mostly for the padding on the floor.
2. Super glue to reinforce pillars.
3. Straws used to make climbing bars.( which, are of course padded). (chuan yin)

4. Pillars made of superglued ice scream sticks.
5. Second story of playground made of plastic (floor).
( Done by Joshua & Chuan Yin)

Research taken from:

Photographs taken from:
1. Google image search: Indoor playground


Materials for Playground taken from:

Links provided by Wynner.

Playground designs/concepts that are linked to the novel
2. Nylon Webbing
3. Swing across ballpit.
4. Jungle Gym

Done by Joshua and Gavin
Explanation of how the designs/concepts are linked to the novel

1. The Treehouse: Obviously, the time spent most in terabithia is in the treehouse.
2. The Nylon Webbing: This acts like a spider web, adding to the feeling of the the forest in BTT.
3. Swing accross the ballpit: This is just like swinging accross the stream to terabithia.
4. Jungle Gym: Like the trees in the forest, children have to navigate slowly through the jungle gym.

Done by Gavin, Chuan Yin and Joshua.

Playground designs/concepts that meet the special needs of the children with explaination

1) Our playground provides such unique play equipment as the Magic Keyboard and games of skill that are specifically designed to promote the down syndrome child development.It provides children with the security and the skill development opportunities that parents desire. (Joshua)

2) The playground would have many levels and corners in bright colours, this makes the playground lively and the down syndrome children would be happy. This also boost the child's confidence in climbing each level. (Aaron)

3) A treehouse would be located at the side of the playground. The children would be able to climb to it to have a bird's eye view from the top and this will boost the child's confidence of heights. This part we got from the bridge to terabithia. (Wynner)

4) The tree house is designed with a skylight.(a sky light is a window which allows light and air into the enclosed space). In line with energy conservation, we can use the natural light to light up the inside of the tree house during the day, conserving some energy.(Chuan yin)

5) There is a fabric wrapped spiralling discovery tunnel.As they explore the tunnel,it opens up at parts for a controlled vista or view,the openings also serves as ventilation vents.(Chuan yin)