Sunday, March 30, 2008

Topic: Playground for Down Syndrome Kids

Quoted From the piece of paper that I lost:
"A charitable organization has offered a startup fund of S$999k to any team that is able to come up with an award winning design to build a playground catered to primary school children with special needs. Your playground needs to be inspired by your reading of the novel, Bridge to Terabithia.

You and your team mates (group 5-6) are compassionate budding architects and you have taken up this challenge of designing a creative yet educational playground for these children at your own expense. You may select, from among the following, ONE target group of children to base your design on:

a) visually impaired children
b) physically handicapped children
c) children with down syndrome
d) children with non-contagious, but terminal illnesses
e) abused children with emotional scars

You need to do your research on the respective needs of your target group and design the most creative, yet need-sensitive playground and come up with a proposal in order to clinch the deal.

You need to present your proposal before the Present of the charitable organization (aka your Lit teacher) and fellow rival architects (aka your classmates) by the 6th week of Term 2, in the form of a model, alongside your research, sketches, descriptions of functions, proposed materials and budget, and any other relevant details.

You should incorporate ideas which have been insipred from your reading of Bridge to Terabithia, (E.g. Qualities of the secret 'kingdom' that Jess and Leslie were rulers of, how Jess built his confidence in this playland etc) and explain how your reading of the novel has inspired the design of the playground.

This project is worth S$999k, and more importantly, 100% of your SA1.

All the best!"

Oke so basically what we have to do is design a playground and make a model, and pass up all the design ideas and stuff to Mrs Boi.