Thursday, July 3, 2008

Suggestions to improve playgrounds ( Joshua )

3 July 08

Mr Mah Bow Tan
Minister of National Development
Member of Tampines GRC
Dear Mr Tan
Upgrading of Playground Facilities

I am a student from Pasir Ris Secondary School. I am writing to you to give some feedback of the on the playgrounds in Tampines and suggestions to improve these playgrounds.

Tampines has been a great living environment for all ages and is flourishing under your expert management.

However, I wish to bring up a matter regarding the many playgrounds in Tampines. Recently, my school had me and my classmates design a playground suitable for physically and mentally disabled children. We decided to pick children with downs syndrome to focus this project on. Although many children can agree that playgrounds in Singapore are fine just the way they are, there is still a large number of children would not agree. Usually, these children do not like the playgrounds because the playgrounds are not suitable for them to play in. Not many, or maybe even none of the playgrounds in Singapore suit the need of children with disabilities and they are often outcasted. I propose that we make more user-friendly playgrounds for disabled children in our society.

If we are to make a playground suitable for these children, there should of course be extra safety precautions. Occationally, even normal children without disabilities get injured when playing in the public playgrounds. I know of this because I went home with a dislocated arm once after falling from the monkey bars. Safety features in the playground are of utmost importance but should (NOT A MUST) not restrict the fun for the children. Secondly, playgrounds should be redesigned to meet the needs of children with disabilities. Often, some parts of the playground are too high to reach or dangerous for children with disabilities. Some of these facilities are the monkey bars and the flying fox (the children would hold onto a handle and swing back and forth).

Me and my team have come up with a playground which we think will be suitable for these children. The playground will have three levels and will look like a smaller indoor playground. There would be a small "cosy" area for children to rest in, maybe gather in and just chat. The playground must also provide play equipment, such as mazes and games like tic tac toe on the walls. As children with downs syndrome enjoy repitition, puzzle games would thrill them. Also, since the playground is 3 levels high, there must not be a way for children to climb along the railings, as they often do when the play Blind Mice. The playground must also be linked up by crawl-through tunnels, as this will deter off any older children (like my childish primary 6 brother).

I hope you take this letter into consideration, and maybe, there might be a change in the playgrounds in the next community upgrading renovations.

Yours sincerely ,
Joshua Tan Chye Kiat

Suggestions to improve playgrounds (Wynner )

Pasir Ris Secondary School
390 Tampines St 21
Singapore 529400

3rd July 2008

Mr Mah Bow Tan
Minister of national development
Member of Tampines GRC

Dear Mr. Tan

Proposal of playground suggestions

Tampines has been a great living environment for people to live and play in. Under your expert leadership and management, the environment of Tampines has improved greatly. Recently, I was involved in a project to help build a playground for children with disabilities. My group was selected to build a playground for children with the down’s syndrome. As you can see, none of the playgrounds in Tampines cater to the needs of the kids with down’s syndrome. The playgrounds in the neighbourhood are mostly for normal children with no disabilities at all. The children with down’s syndrome would not have a place to have fun and relax. In order to let the children with down’s syndrome have fun, our group decided to build a playground for the children with the down’s syndrome.

The playground that my group built for the kids with the down’s syndrome consists of 3 levels. We planned it carefully so as to meet the basic needs for the kids with down’s syndrome. We also listed the disabilities of the kids with down’s syndrome and thought of the solution to it so that the parents of the kids with down’s and the kids themselves syndrome can rest assured that the play ground is safe to play in.

I feel that we have to consider all the needs of all kinds of people with all kinds of disabilities in this society so that they will feel that they are treated as the same as people with no disabilities.

Yours Sincerely,

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Suggestions to improve playgrounds (Gavin )

Pasir Ris Secondary Shool
390 Tampines street 21
Singapore 529400

Mr Mah Bow Tan
Minister for National Development
Member of Tampines GRC

Dear Mr Tan

Proposal of playground suggestions
I am a student from Pasir Ris Secondary School and I live in a region of Bedok Reservoir. I am writing this letter to you to give some suggestions and feedbacks about the current playgroundin the Tampines Avenue.

The playgrounds are very fun and it always reminds me of the good childhood times I had, but I think the kids these days have changed. They are exposed to more things and their expectations are also higher, so we need to start to change the playgrounds design and the technology, the current playgrounds design and the technology is still alright but I think that if the playground would make something new, the kids will like it as they will not has seen a playground like a new one.

Our school have given us a project to improve our current playground. They also elaborate it and ask to reach out to the standards of the disabled children. Children that are suffering visually impaired, downs syndrome and some other examples. My group has chosen to work on the needs of downs syndrome children. We found out thatdowns syndrome children require additional features for the playground. One of these features is that the playground must be safe. There must be soft floor paddind and the walls must also be padded, or if a child falls, he might get injured. Children also like different bright colours, so the playground must be very colourful. We haved designed alot of safe and fun features for our playground.

I hope you will consider my suggestions and feedback.

Yours sincerely,
Seah Yong Chiang, Class 2e6

Suggestions to improve playgrounds (Aaron )

Pasir Ris Secondary School
390 Tampines street 21
Singapore 529400

3rd July 2008

Mr Mah Bow Tan
Mister of national development
Members of Tampines GRC

Dear Mr Tan

Proposal Of Playground Suggestions

I am a student from Pasir Ris Secondary School and I live in the region of Tampines. I am writing this letter to you to give some feedbacks about the current playgrounds in the Tampines Avenue as well as suggestions on how to improve them.

The playgrounds in the district were very interesting and fun after doing my research. Most children would appreciate the curret playground because of the innovative structure. However, looking in to the modern society, more and more children are looking for better and more creative things. As the society changes, the playground should also change. In other words, the playground needs newer facilities. The playgrounds should have newer patterns and equipments. The playground should also be much bigger. I felt that building an indoor playground outdoor can be a good idea. Therefore, the playground would be up to modern standard.

The next way of improving a playground is to look at the differents kind of children. Basically, I felt that the playground does not meet much of the needs of the disabled children after doing much research of playground in the neighborhood. The playgrounds do not have much safety precautions and it has obstructions for disabled children. Many disabled children are unable to reach a certain height of the playground and they also could not play most of the playground equipment such as monkey bars, flying fox and other interesting things. Often, I will see disabled children who are unable to play in the normal playground because of their disability. I am deeply saddened by this. It made me felt taht something should be done. They would also miss out on the fun which other children would not. Therefore, the current playground should undergo a change to meet the needs of the disabled children. My schools have given my group a project to improve the current playground in order to reach the standard of the disabled children such as children suffering from visually impaired and Down syndrome. My project has taken up the role of creating a playground for children suffering from Down syndrome. The main purpose of the playground is to allow the down syndrome children to have fun and improving their social skills as well as balancing and learning skills. My playground consists of 3 levels that had met the needs of them such as their slowness and the mental disabilities. The playground would have new facilities such as safety features, music-playing buttons, colourful backgrounds to help the down syndrome kids to learn better as well as many safety precautions. My group and I had found out that the Down syndrome will need addition care and safety.

I felt that the playground would need a change for disabled children. The current playground could be improved by adding more safety and the special features. Therefore, the disabled children could be the same as normal children and they could see a better future. I would sincerely hope that you would look in to my suggestions and re-design the playground. I look foward to your reply.

Yours Sincerely
Aaron Mak Jun Wei

Suggestions to improve playgrounds (Chuan Yin )

31 Jalan Selamat

3th July 2008

Mr Mah Bow Tan
Minister of National Development
Member of Tampines GRC

Dear Mr Tan ,

Proposal to use playground suggestions to make it more user friendly

I am a student of Pasir Ris Secondary School and I live at kembangan although I do not stay at tampines my school is at tampines .
There was a school literature project to design a playground designed to suit a special needs group.Our group chose *down-syndrome children*.As we feel that that is the group of children that we need to focus on.The research done by my teammates and I showed that unlike most children with down-syndrome are far less fortunate and that they require more special aid as compared to other children.

Often down-syndrome children are left out due to their condition and left out as outcasts, thus causing them to be teased and mocked by other children for being different. Our playground would be used to allow them to be able to play like every other child and have an enjoyable and enriching childhood.

This playground would make the playground more user friendly for down syndrome kids. The playground is basicly a place for all children to have fun and play.

~No matter what illness you have, you should not be excluded~

This is the motto we have been working with. In our present playground,the playground is not *friendly* towards disabled children .I agree that they are the minority and everything cannot be made to suit ones personal need but are they not children, do they not have the right to enjoy their youth and have the same amount of fun any other children,do they not have the privilege?

That is why we suggest that more safety measures be installed so that the disabled would have the same amount of fun any other children can possibly have.

Yours faithfully,
Kuah chuan yin

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Done By : Chuan Yin

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Titles and posts.

Hey all, we have finally finished our blog and the model, we feel great!. I like to thank everyone in the group that contributed to the blog as well as the model.
Here is our posts in the group:
Aaron- Leader: Head of the group. Everything goes through him first.
Joshua- Presenter/ Blogger: Takes care of the blog, presents the model.
Chuan Yin- Architect/ Assistant Research: Does the model, calculates costs. Helps with research.
Wynner- Secretary: Keeps track of time, edits blog of errors, basically "refines" everything.
Gavin- Research IC: Finds out materials for making the model/ pictures & concept.

Thanks for taking a look at our blog!

Posted by Aaron, edited by Joshua & Wynner.